A personal photography project inspired by photographers Mike Guest and Nick Pumphrey.

Dawn Days as described by Mike, is 'The act of immersing yourself in nature during the blue hour as you watch the dawn of the day.' 

In the month of January 2021, I made myself present at the ocean for dawn each day, camera in hand, attempting to let my mind run free. Here's how it went...

The first time I saw Mike Guest stitch together some motion from a dawn swim, I definitely got curious. I couldn't bring myself to commit to a daily dawn swim at the time, not for any real reason anyway. So when he announced that January he'd be up to the old tricks that are Dawn Days I thought I should give it a try.​

I've admired Mike's work through the Dawn Days project. The more he created and explored human experience in the ocean at dawn the more I was drawn in. It seemed more than just being in the water with a camera, more like a meditative or self-exploration experience. As my own journey progressed, that's what I found anyway.

Many days I still found myself debating where to go to get nice waves or out of the wind, it's a hard thing to release when shooting waves has been the main driver of my work. But this wasn't work. As the days rolled on I began to catch myself in moments of stillness, and I liked it. Even on some of the most horrid days, I began to see glimpses of magic in randomness.

The Dawn Days experience was wild, difficult at times, cold all the time, but gosh was it magic too - inside and out. And the last couple days I was rewarded with sunshine and clean swell.